What Can We Learn From Jesus’ Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem?

Jesus triumphal entry

Matthew 21:1-11 describes the account of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, also known as Palm Sunday. In this passage, Jesus and his disciples approached Jerusalem on a donkey, with the people laying down palm branches and cloaks on the road in front of him. The crowd also shouted "Hosanna" which means "Save us now" or "Save us, we pray" in Hebrew.

This event holds several important lessons for Christians. Firstly, it highlights Jesus' humility and willingness to fulfill the prophecies made about him in the Old Testament. The use of a donkey, rather than a horse, was a symbol of peace and humility, as opposed to war and power. This shows that Jesus came to bring peace and salvation, rather than to conquer and rule through force.

Secondly, the crowd's response to Jesus' arrival demonstrates their recognition of his authority and Messiahship. They recognized Jesus as the promised Messiah, and their shouts of "Hosanna" were a form of recognition and praise. This shows that Jesus' authority and messiahship was not only recognized by his followers but also by the general public.

Thirdly, the event of triumphal entry foreshadows the events of the coming week, in which Jesus would be arrested, tried, and crucified. The adulation of the crowd on Palm Sunday would quickly turn to calls for Jesus' crucifixion by the following Friday, which is known as Good Friday. This reminds us that Jesus’ journey towards the cross was not only to save humanity but also to fulfill the prophecy and to demonstrate the power of God to overcome death.

Lastly, it teaches us that we should follow Jesus’ example of humility, obedience, and self-sacrifice. The crowd's recognition of Jesus as the Messiah and their laying down of cloaks and palm branches on the road in front of him is an example of how we should lay down our own desires and ambitions in order to follow Jesus.

In summary, Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem teaches us about humility, obedience, self-sacrifice, and the recognition of Jesus' authority and Messiahship. It also foreshadows the events of the coming week and reminds us that Jesus’ journey towards the cross was not only to save humanity but also to fulfill the prophecy and to demonstrate the power of God to overcome death.

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